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Our Mission and Core Values


Inspired by the life and ministry of Jesus and in the tradition of the Catholic Church, we are a community committed to providing quality, compassionate and holistic resident and family centred care where life is honored and affirmed.

Our home provides compassionate and loving care for up to 147 residents.

We are a proud member of the Emmanuel Health family.

Our Core Values

  • Respect: We acknowledge that every person is made in the image and likeness of God and possesses an inherent dignity.
  • Compassion: We offer a healing presence with gentleness, patience and kindness recognizing the uniqueness of each person.
  • Spirituality: We provide a home where individuals can live out their life-giving spirituality.
  • Hospitality: We nurture caring relationships within a warm, welcoming and generous environment.
  • Quality: We create a culture that is safe, inclusive and supportive through teamwork and collaboration.